Yes, 20A/hr total overnight usage.
So it looks like everyone is saying just KISS and go with a standard relay. That makes things so easy for me.
When I ordered my truck, I added the Aux Switch Package which provides five switches in the dash. Each switch controls a relay in the engine compartment. Two of these circuits are rated at 40A and accept up to a #6 wire. Nice thing is the switches are programmable to be on all the time (battery) or ignition on additionally they can be set for momentary, on/off, or last state.
So by setting one of the switches to ignition and last state, whenever I load the camper, just turn the switch on and forget about it until the camper comes off. The circuit will only be active when the ignition is on.
My current camper only has one battery but my next camper may have tow and that is the worst case I will ever see. But the 40A circuit will still be plenty for a dual battery setup.