Battery was bad had at least 2 cells that were dying, the battery was almost 3 years old and carried a 12 month replacement, Walmart replaced it with the closest possible model, I need to know if there is any reason I can't use the replacement.
Here's the details.
Old Battery- Everstart Marine Deep Cycle
Marine Cranking amps 720
Cold Cranking amps 600
amps 115
Replacement Battery Everstart Marine Deep Cycle
Marnine Cranking amps 690
no cold cranking amps info
101 amps
The battery supplies power to the HWH jacks pump and is connected to the battery next to it by a black wire connected to Neg terminals,, the red terminal has a harness wire connected to it I'm not sure where that goes, in the rear their is a sealed cells heavy duty battery that's by the power supply, but when I disconnect it, the house lights etc, still work, so I guess that battery is supplying power to some of the house, I really need to figure all this out, anyhow will this replacement be ok?
Thanks for the assistance.