Katdaddy wrote:
I cannot find a spec sheet on these batteries. I have looked and found some commentary by people who may or may not know what they are talking about. One said the SG on these at 100% is 1.266.
Going forward, I want to make sure I am doing this properly. Before I was cycling them down to about 50% and then recharging with the "smart charger" which turned out to not be so smart. Do I want to recharge at a fixed voltage in the future and if so what voltage?
Set 14.8 on the LK with no battery connected. When the batts get down to 50% or whatever, clamp on to recharge to 80 or 90% (another topic---how to tell when you are at 90%) and run them back down to 50%-repeat.
Once you have shore power, use the LK at 14.8 (for 77F) till they are full by reaching 14.8 at the battery post (indicating little or no amps flowing because same voltage as charger is set to.)
At this time the SG will not be up to your target after previously doing several 50-90s. Now you do a "recovery" session at 16v to get the SG up. Once it is up, add water to the proper level and go to your regular converter for the Float at 13.6, which will drop to 13.2 after a while.
However, since you are baking at 97F, and 13.2 is for 80F, you could set something a bit lower (at least 13.0) on the LK for the Float voltage and use that instead of the converter.
You can set the LK at other than 14.8 for temp adj voltage. A bit lower for hotter and a bit higher for colder. 15.2 at 35F, and 14.5v at 97F eg.
Scroll down to Mark's post with the temp/voltage table
http://forums.trailerlife.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/thread/tid/26669731/srt/pa/pging/1/page/1.cfmTrojan says their 6v are full when SG is 1.277 and voltage is 12.75 (a pair). It does vary among brands and where they sell them--"temperate zone" or with higher SG for up North or lower SG for Mexico.