Katdaddy wrote:
If I may take a moment for a mini rant. I got 8 years out of my first set of batteries, with the stock single stage charger that came with the camper. The only thing I did was watch the fluid levels and add water about once a month. When it came time for new batteries everything I read said that I needed a multi stage charger. I was just lucky to get that many years. So I bought a new set of batteries and a multi stage charger and I am now on the second set of batteries in 4 years?????????
What does that tell you ?
No, the 8 yrs was not by accident. It was most likely from good maintence and non abuse.
My batteries, 6'ers and 12s always last 8+ years, and they have never seen over 14.4 volts, from just a plain ole PD9245. I NEVER use a nasty hydrometer, nor any other special equip. When the batteries don't perform to 75% of new, I replace them, which like said, has never been less than 8 yrs
I also know people w/ SS 13.6 chargers and batteries lasting at least 5 yrs.
14 billion RVs out there w/ 14.4 chargers in them, but according to this forum, that are all wrong. But yet, most all batteries last 5-8 years, just like they do on this forum.