Yup and there are people who drink, smoke, force feed cholesterol, live in cities in a tiny apartment with the only window fifteen feet from a busy taxi waiting stand with eleven idling motors. They live to be 111. Let's all use that as a reference for common sense as to How To Maximize Your Lifespan.
Some folks have lifestyles that tax house batteries about as severely as those found in emergency hallway lighting that haven't seen duty in fifteen years. Let's use THAT as a general purpose guideline for regular deep cycle battery maintenance.
Had a friend. He sent thousands of dollars on a lap pool. Hundreds and hundreds of dollars on morning potions, elixirs, powders and exotic herbs. I asked him if any of them helped to increase blood flow in arteries and veins. He exploded in a vitamin and mineral holistic chant that left his face scarlet, eyes bulging, and veins bulging...
Poor Pete. At present, he is bedridden with a stroke and he cannot even remember his pin numbers to access his bank account...
Let's all abandon common sense and begin with the chant "Ommmmmmmmmmmm. Hare....."