Canadian Rainbirds wrote:
I'm going to follow this thread because I'd really like to see how you make out and what sort of run time you actually get. If you never get the battery below 50%, recharge promptly and correctly and never let the electrolyte get below the top of the plates that battery should last for years. (If you do treat the battery like that you will be doing better than a lot of RVers. :B
If it works well you might want to consider a couple of 20AH AGM batteries. Lots more money but can be used in any orientation even up side down. And the do deep discharge really well.
Keep us posted. And let us know how the fishing was!
It may be a few weeks. The forcast high for Monday is 17 degrees with a low Monday night of 7 degrees. This is Arkansas, I thought we lived in the South.
Here is a decent Smallmouth from last summer.