"This past summer they were over charged a lot, which resulted in excessive gassing, overheating, and electrolyte levels dropping below the tops of the plates on a few occasions"
Eventual antimony migration is inevitable with time and activity. Overcharging however gives the process a dose of vitamins and anabolic steroids.
One of the Exide labs on Mare Island specialized in testing of lead dioxide negative plates for the amount of antimonial contamination. Woe to the Captain of the boat whose batteries were overly contaminated before their time. A refit with all new batteries cost more than several new 2 bdrm homes. The admonishment of course was calibrated to the amount of shipping that went glug glug during the lifespan of the batteries or where the boat was patrolling. Fairbanks Morse engines, coupled to GE or Westinghouse motor generators could really -----slap the forward or aft bank. It was rumored that Dudley Morton abused the hell out of his batteries.