Actually, it did occur to me yesterday that I should do a check with my clamp meter. I'm not sure how small a draw it could detect with any accuracy, though. It's display likes to jump around a lot, and I find myself constantly hitting the reset button. It's a Uni-T 40/600a. I'll give it a try sometime over the next few days, though. Thanks for reminding me.
I'll double check all the connections while I'm at it, too, but I haven't moved the rig since connecting things back up in series/parallel, which was not that long ago. And I'll check the inverter's ground while I'm at it. If that doesn't show any significant difference after a couple weeks, I'll even try disconnecting the inverter, etc., and see if that makes any difference.
Oh, and this past Sunday, when I was putting a top charge on the bank, I immediately noticed one battery taking .03 volts more than the others. This continued throughout the entire charge. All 4 were charging and dischargng equally until recently. It was one of the two 6v's I EQ'd back in the fall, so maybe it's going all girly-man on me? I have noticed I cannot get all things to agree, either. If the SG's are equal, voltages are slightly off, and vice versa. I've settled on equal voltages over equal SG's.