Even if that is a 55 amper and not a 60, it should have stayed at 55 for a long time without tapering. The earlier set of numbers showed it tapering right away, which is a sign it is in Absorption.
The BB spec says it can do 1C while that link about phone batts said an Li can take 1C in Bulk till it reaches 65%. At .6C it should stay in Bulk to a higher SOC than that.
The #4 wires are fat enough for the 60 amper to do its 60 amps no problem.
The battery is not accepting amps the way it should or something else is causing high R to keep the amps below spec.
Here is how it works with Wets and AGMs using three different charging rates on a 220AH bank. Note the SOCs when Bulk ends, Note the extra long time to do the 80-90 part of the 50-90.
Note the graph is the exact same shape as the ones linked earlier for Li-ion batts. The difference is in the charging rates. Here 70amps on 220AH is 32% charging rate and Bulk ends at 65%. The Li was at 1C and it stayed there till 65% . That is huge.
One of the selling points of Li is supposed to be that it accepts high amps to a high SOC, unlike Wets and AGMs. Yours is not acting right. No idea why.