Reality is especially with dropin batteries follow the the charging recommendations set by the builder of the dropin battery. You don't need to reinvent the wheel they already figured it out and know what bms with their set parameters it takes to charge and protect the cell that make up the battery.
Set it and forget it.
Now if a person is buying from some no name place on the cheap, you can only hope they used quality cells/ parts/ bms inside along with properly sized wire. It's not like you can just open the case without voiding the warranty. Can a price be to good to true?
Maybe I'm lax on worrying about charging my batteries but after the past years of using the system I have with the charging regiment there is no reason to sweat it to much, just be prepared as best as possible.
Trying to compare different chemistry of lithium with different charging needs is not apples/ apples so staying with Lifepo4 graphs/ charging & discharging recommendations doesn't muddy the water up so much.