Just got done testing .
I started out by draining the battery until the low voltage shutdown was activated.
That was supposed to be 10 volts.
My meter read 9.3 volts when the battery shut off and the lights went out.
I immediately went out side and fired up my portable Honda 2000i generator. I used the same 60 amp charger as previous tests .
My other chargers are out of commission.
Right when the battery charger powered on the battery immediately started working again and I started documenting readings.
The red line in my chart represents when I briefly stopped charging because the amps did'nt look like they were constant, I tested my electrical connections for excessive heat and found my
Blueseas fuse terminal to be getting hot , it ranged in a temp of 134 degrees Fahrenheit all the way up to 153 degrees Fahrenheit.
All my other connections were on average of 79 degrees Fahrenheit.
I removed the fuse and holder and reconnected without that fuse assembly,, afterwords that area was around 85 degrees Fahrenheit.
Still bad but way way better.