Forum Discussion

BreakAes's avatar
Sep 10, 2019

Best Solvent To Remove RV Window & Roof Caulk?

Hi all,

I've been doing research on what the best solvent is to remove RV window and roof caulk. I don't know what was used by the previous owners, but I'm currently using Pro-Flex to seal up the windows and panels on the sides, and I'm open to caulk product suggestions for the roof. I have a 1996 Lance Squire 8000.

I'm at the point where I need to get a solvent to get the rest of the caulking off. Originally I thought I might get So Brite DSR-5 (also known as Re-Mov), but the reviews are mixed, and some of the prices are high:

The local RV store rep suggested Crest Acry-Solv, which also isn't cheap, but may be more reasonable than the So Brite product. Crest Acry-Solv seems pretty rare, but here is some positive commentary on it:

There's also this Transtar Acry-Solvent, which is less expensive and got some good Amazon reviews, although somebody said he prefers benzene, which I think I'll take a pass on. I don't know if any of them are using it to remove RV caulking though:

Has anybody used any of these 3 solvents to remove RV caulk? Or do you have a suggestion for something else to use to remove RV caulking?

I'm leaning towards going with the Crest Acry-Solv, but let me know if you have any information for me, thanks.
  • Start with mineral spirits and see if that will remove anything.
  • Depending on what is there (i.e. usually if it's not silicone), you may not need to remove every last particle of it before resealing, just any that's loose or excessive or generally in your way.

    I generally use mechanical methods such as the ubiquitous razor blade scraper.