The secret of more amperage is politically incorrect straight D.C. but it has multiple body piercing (fans) but no tatts. It would never make the cover of Time or People magazine like A Buff and Beyonce.
Sounds an impressive project to take on.
Toroidal Transformer does have qualities that is better than regular generic rectangular shaped core.
Not only that it is more efficient on a given size, it possesses better magnetic leak shielding, thus, minimizing hum in sensitive audio/video equipment.
Yes, EMF shows lines on my TV. . . and with all these complexities of new electronics, these lines even show up on my forehead and even more increasing as days go by.
One blaring disadvantage over conventional (rectangular core) transformer is cost. Hence, toroidal converters cost more than conventional model. Frankly, I don't think they make this rectangular core for RV any more. They are too heavy.
Since the coil has to be wound around doughnut shaped laminates, production is slow compared to rectangular laminates.
You did mention gigawatt. What exactly is the projected output in watts?
Interesting project indeed. . . care to share the result?