Forum Discussion

Feb 26, 2017

Birth Of The Gigawatt

Jim in Denver's Megawatt has been perverted. Larger toroid choke, 80 amp 150 volt diodes rather than 30 amp 100 volt. Panasonic 680uf caps, 10x more airflow via two external roof fans. And...

57.2 amperes* into 12.0 volts for 9 hours and 10 more or less minutes. 16.67 wide open volts. Didn't even breathe hard. Cool to touch on rectifiers and bi-polar transistors. Like having a Derringer 12-gauge.

I did delta the three positive and three negative circuit board terminal strip output screws. Total fans drive current .84 amps. Transistor life will be a "maybe".

*three instruments verification

Tinker Tinker Tinker ...
  • DutchmenSport wrote:
    What in the world is this topic discussing?

    Laughs ... it's a "Mex topic", you just keep reading till you find enough words you know to make a sentence, then hope it makes sense. :h :B
  • Well done, Mex! (I have no idea for what, but I figured it was a safe thing to say.) ;)
  • Lwiddis wrote:

    Me too. I think it is about " Jim in Denver's Megawatt " .......whatever that is......
  • DutchmenSport wrote:
    What in the world is this topic discussing?

    Thanks, I was worried it was just me. ;-)
  • It's unfortunate that there is so much choking going on in DC, lots of resistance too. It with a song in our hearts and nails in our tongues we fordge ahud.
  • The secret of more amperage is politically incorrect straight D.C. but it has multiple body piercing (fans) but no tatts. It would never make the cover of Time or People magazine like A Buff and Beyonce.
  • Your transistor issue might be on again - off again but overall it looks like everything has been rectified :-) Sorry-couldn't help myself.