We had the same problem. First thing to try is to break up the infamous brown pyramid just under the toilet. Get a broom stick handle or something like that and stick down the toilet and stir it around to try to break up any pile of solids there.
Pour a bottle of dawn detergent and a cup or two of water softener down the toilet too. That helps emulsify solids.
We did all that and it did not fix the problem. When we got home I was thinking that there was a problem with the valve. I treated the tank with the Dawn/Softener and used the flush line to the tank for several hours with the valve open. I then pulled the valve out and examined it. It was fine, I lubricated it with silicone grease and put everything back together. So I'm not sure what my problem was. I have the tank full of detergent solution now and will drain it before we head out.
Oh yes some people reccomnd pouring several bags of ice cubes down the toilet and then driving around with the ice sloshing around. Probably would only work if the level in the tank is empty or near it.