To those ignorant people that think they don't need any chemicals,......
You don't use them for breakdown, I don't either, you don't need it.
But you sure do need it for smell !!!!! not necessarily for your self, but for those that happen to be in the line of fire down wind from you, weather it be from your vent, or when you are dumping. I have posted this before, nothing new,.....but in our long stay campground in AZ, we would sometimes get in the downwind current of the dump station there, and most times it was not a problem. till every now and then, one would pull up, (usually an old one) and you talk stink !!!! It was not hard to pick out exactly which ones did not use any blue stuff. And several times when one of those stinking rigs would be dumping, I would walk over ther eand ask them if they used "blue", and every time they proudly replied "no, we don't need it" But let me tell you, before they left, they dam sure knew that I thought they did !!
IMO, if you don't use "blue", stay outta my campground !!