stew47 wrote:
Gde trailer thanks for all your help. Just an update then I'm going to that ford enthusiast page. I got truck in to shop and they scanned, only saw the po300, checked plugs and found to be in good shape. Found nearly plugged fuel filter so replaced. Lol accelerates again. All was well for couple weeks and when passing a car today the light blinked a few times and didn't stay on. I'm gonna check for code with my neat new blue tooth scanner. Thanks again all.
Good catch on the filter but obviously not the cause for the blinking light..
Most likely you will get another P0300 random misfire code..
Hopefully you will get another P03xx code which will help pinpoint which bank..
If your BT scanner is able to read deeper you need to check the fuel trim values and the Oxy sensors.. Weak Oxy sensors tend to switch on/off very slowly.
If Oxy sensors are not acting fast enough it can cause a lean fuel mixture under heavy acceleration.. That can lead to random misfire with or without an additional P03xx code..
Code reader should be a help but it may take time to catch it.