stew47 wrote:
Gde trailer thanks for all your help. Just an update then I'm going to that ford enthusiast page. I got truck in to shop and they scanned, only saw the po300, checked plugs and found to be in good shape. Found nearly plugged fuel filter so replaced. Lol accelerates again. All was well for couple weeks and when passing a car today the light blinked a few times and didn't stay on. I'm gonna check for code with my neat new blue tooth scanner. Thanks again all.
What APP are you using with your ELM 327 type OBD2 adapter? I have had good luck with the Torque APP for Android. The APP has explanations for the codes as well as links for troubleshooting the specific code if you have Internet connection. I can also monitor and graph much of the available realtime parametric data such as trim,O2 sensor voltage etc.