Lol don't let some of the other posters aggravate you. I appreciate you following my thread and helping me. Also thanks for the advice about the ford forum. I've had some good suggestions over there. Simple not costly suggestions like replacing the boots and making sure there's no moisture. One suggested cleaning the maf sensor since its always under near full throttle. Oh and I posted a tranny problem and a guy is pointing me towards the solenoid for reverse. That beats a new tranny.
Anyways I will pursue figuring out how to read the fuel values and look for vacuum leaks as well. I'm torn about the cops but if needed I'll put one in and move it. It does irritate me that shops will pour tons of parts into things but what do they care it's not their money. Lol I can't pour tons of money in cause then I can't camp....and that's why I have truck. Anyways thanks so much.