joshuajim wrote:
In reality 50/50 antifreeze only raises the boiling point by 8 degrees.
That's why it's called "antifreeze," and not "antiboil."
marcsbigfoot20b27 wrote:
RCMAN46 wrote:
At 10,000 feet that temperature drops to about 237 degrees f.
Do tell????
Higher altitude, lower pressure, lower boiling point. The cap adds 15 psi to the ambient pressure.
rhagfo wrote:
Better than 50/50 is 60/40 antifreeze/H2O, higher boiling point and lower freezing point.
"Better," how? If the engine will sit in arctic temperatures, sure, you get more freeze protection. But ethylene glycol has less than 60% of the specific heat capacity of water, so the more you use the less efficient the cooling system becomes. 50/50 is the accepted compromise between cooling efficiency, freeze protection, and corrosion protection for most climates.