If your the kind of person who trades a vehicle regularly, say every 5 or even 8 years, sure you can ignore it and the vehicle will still stop. If you like to keep your vehicles, like my dad use to say, "until the wheels fall off", then flushing on a regular basis is a good idea. I think it's an especially good idea for more heavy duty vehicles like motor homes, because of their weight plus folks tend to keep them a long time. Another issue is if you never crack open the bleed screw, it has a tendency to rust and then break off, especially in salted road country. Most people don't do it cause it such a PIA. I use a Branick pro brake bleeder which makes it much easier, but you need to buy a master cylinder adapter kit to go with it. I can't say for sure why
this RV lost it's brakes, but there was a similar accident up there where a husband and wife we're killed after overheating their brakes coming down a mountain. Warning, the video is a bit graphic.