GDS-3950BH wrote:
I've had so many different vehicles I've lost count since @ 1984 between personal and company provided ones. I never changed brake fluid on any except one. It was a 2001 GMC 1500 that all the lines rotted out @2013 at 260,000 miles. They did not rot from the inside out. I can't remember even adding fluid unless due to changing pads. I'll stick with the roll the dice method.
Until you have a newer vehicle where the $1500 ABS unit fails on you. It takes less than an hour and $20 worth of brake fluid to do it.
There are people that never go to the doctor, never get vaccinated, smoke, never exercise are over weight and say they roll the dice and are fine! Doesn't mean what works for one person should work for everyone. If the manufacturer recommends doing this maintenance, why ignore the people that designed the vehicle?