Chuck&Gail wrote:
If you have a Voyager brake controller, I'll bet that is the problem. I threw mine in the garbage after our first big trip. My Prodigy works great.
Jerking and tugging - my first suspect would be a controller, but who knows, could be something else...
It's not Voyager vs Prodigy, but about "timed" vs "inertial". Models under $80 are usually timed. Prodigy has one $80 timed model, and it's not any better than $40 no-name timed models. Meaning - not too good, though it's OK for a small trailer.
The problem with some timed models is that pulsating current from turn signals is making its way somehow into the controller circuit, causing the brake vibrate/tug when you turn. But if it's vibrating on straight sections, then I don't know. Timed models produce the power after half a second delay, quickly but gradually increasing breaking power from 0 to max setting of the controller. The higher the setting, the harder it will press the brake pads when it reaches the full power. You can also adjust the time setting (on all but very cheap timed models), i.e. how fast this max power is achieved after you've pressed the pedal.