What on Earth is going on with late model absorption refrigerator quality, anway? Or is the problem how (wrong) RV manufacturers are installing them?
Our 12 year old Norcold RV absorption refrig works great. We use it most of the time on only it's mid-point cooling setting ... with two more colder settings remaining if we want a 1 to 5 degree freezer section instead of a 10 degree freezer section and sometimes-frozen milk in the fresh food section! For an average 10 degree freezer section and an average 38 degree fresh food section, the mid-range setting is all that's required. Does our RV's dual-mode Norcold hold it's temperatures "rock solid" like our home's digitally controlled residential refrigerator does within our home's highly controlled kitchen temperature environment ... no it doesn't. However, the "average" day-in/day-out temperatures inside the Norcold RV refrigerator - whether on propane or electricity - are plenty good enough without any battery capacity, or inverter capacity, or solar capacity, or alternator capacity concerns, whether hookup camping or drycamping or going down the road.
Based on our experience with two motorhomes over the years (a 1969 Chinook and a 2005 Itasca), I don't understand the need for a compressor refrigerator instead of an absorption refrigerator in an RV. :h