Why an RMS meter? Using the ordinary multimeter on the panel terminals gets me the Voc (34 of rated 36.8 eg, and I got 28v when it was connected and operating. Is that 28 not valid because the meter is not RMS?
What panel voltages do you typically see when operating at fairly high amps and what would be the actual and rated Voc at the time?
How does panel voltage fit into the watts picture anyway? My controller's watts reading is made up of battery voltage and amps to the battery. No reading of the input side except for the "demo" it does comparing MPPT vs PWM--on that demo I see it uses actual panel Isc at the time not sure how that feature works.
I suppose the amps on the input side to the controller where it is still "24" volt would go with panel voltage to get the watts on that side of the controller? Then compare with watts on the output side?