rainmanrv wrote:
thanks for the help,I definitely was looking at this the wrong way.I would just look at the dry weight did not think about hitch weight.I do not like being max-out with the weight I am going to pass on the coachmen and look for something with 15% hitch weight. Also i did check that black and yellow cargo tag on the door it said 2630#.
OK, now you know you have 2630# to play with.
Figure out how much you are going to put in the truck........
- People
- Pets
- Other"stuff" (cooler, tools etc)
- Bed liner and other accessories.
- full tank of fuel (@ 6#/gallon)
- The hitch you are going to use.
Add them all up and subtract that number from 2650#
The result is the LOADED pin weight you can carry without exceeding any of your truck ratings.
For example, let's say you have 1800# available for the pin.....
The following examples calculate the maximum LOADED fiver you can carry at 3 different pin weight ratios.........
1800/0.15 = 12,000#
1800/0.2 = 9,000#
1800/0.25 = 7,200#
Hope that helps and can give you a good place to start.
You need to substitute your own numbers - I just guessed at a load of 830# to make the math easy!.