Well I finally found the manual for this setup online.
My trailer is a 2010 tracer 3000 bhd. I have checked the fuse and it's not burnt out. So that leaves me with the other suggestions of checking the ground, and power going into the switch.
I've attached a url to the manual of what it looks like and it explains what it's supposed to do. Mine has never worked, so I have some trouble shooting to do.
Switch manual (my unit has fig. 9 setup)
I'll start with the ground and power, then move on to the coaxel cable to be sure it's hooked up properly (which I don't think should affect the power to the switch) and finally I'll replace the switch.
Of course the cable on the back are soldered to it and the are really short for some reason so I can't pull it out that much.
Thanks for all the info, I'll keep you posted as to the result.