Lantley wrote:
L&MMusic wrote:
Thanks for your input. I called Atwood before I saw some of your replies and she gave me the correct part number Atwood 91060 and suggested I look on the Internet for pricing options. You were right there, too. Prices varied quite a bit!
We went with BoatnRV Supplies out of Ohio for $204 plus shipping ground UPS for $21.
I can only see replacing the tank being worthwhile if your labor time has zero value or you simply don't have the funds to buy the complete package. Or your possibly selling the RV.
Otherwise a new tank with 10 year old parts is a liability.
My labor time is worth what I'm not paying an RV tech to do $$. :D My labor time (with the supervision of an RV tech with a blow torch) is still worth it to me get the job done faster and learn along the way.This RV is our full-time home and we have no plans to sell it. I don't expect anyone else would give us enough for it to qualify for a new one, so no. And we're traveling musicians. You can probably guess the answer to the funds question. While we love what we do for our living, it pays to be frugal when we can.