marc515 wrote:
How does the 3M- 4000UV compare and hold VS Proflex and Dicor?
Thank you
Well I don't have any experience with the Dicor re your question, but do for both the Proflex and 4000UV since as I said back in 2008 I redid all my fittings with the 4000UV and at that time sealed the front cap seams with Eternabond. I wasn't satisified with the Eternabond job so about around 2010 I took that off and did those two front seams with the Proflex. Last year (2013) after about 3 years I noticed areas of the Proflex where it had shrunk and pulled away from one side of the seam. I just this week removed that and replaced it with the 4000UV and at that time all the now 6+ year old 4000UV I applied back in 2008 looked as good as the day I put it on w/o absolutely no separations and it was still flexible. Now this is only one data point so take it for what it's worth.