Forum Discussion

PNW_Steve's avatar
Jul 23, 2019

Champion 3150 inverter generator sound/noise?

Per my other thread, my trusty Honda EU3000is generator failed on my last trip.

It has served me exceptionally for the last 13 years. Running stretches as long as 11 days at a time (24hous). I cannot even guess how many hours it has on it.

The closest Honda shop is 30+ miles away and wants $210 to diagnose the problem. I am going to try and fix it myself.

In the meantime, I needed a generator and I know the Honda has reached an age that has me wanting a backup.

So, after many hours of reading reviews and watching YouTube videos, I pulled the trigger on one of the Champion 3150 inverter generators with remote start/stop.

I unboxed it and set it up per the docs. It is currently running on my back deck.

After all of the good reviews that I read, I am VERY disappointed with how loud it is. Reviewers reported that it was "almost" as quiet as the Honda.

I call BS!

If I had another $1300 in the budget the Champion would be gone and I would buy another Honda.

Has anyone here had any success quieting the Champion? Any suggestions?

