B.O. Plenty wrote:
wing_zealot wrote:
BarabooBob wrote:
... Some people will never admit than anyone but Honda can make a quality gen set. Honda, Yamaha, and Champion all make good gen sets. Make a decision and live with it.
They paid more, so they have to justify their purchase by convincing themselves its worth more.
X2!! I agree 100%. I think it's this way with a lot of things. If it doesn't have the right name on it how can it be any good? Sold my seldom used Honda before it got stolen, bought a now seldom used Champion 2000. Can't tell the difference except I had more beer money.
Sometimes I think the folks who bought the more expensive name brands just want to force on everyone else their miserably bad expensive purchase in order to justify their over priced purchase as better.
In some respect, there is no "best" one size fits all generator, not everyone camps in the same way nor can afford to layout $2K on a gen which only gets used for one or a couple times a year so in those cases a lower cost (and perhaps slightly louder) gen can fill in the need for this type of budget and camping style.
Yes, I have heard those supposedly quieter gens, they are not quiet, they STILL make a considerable amount of noise, you are only kidding yourselves to think they are worth $2K for everyone.
I myself settled on a much more affordable Chinese import gen since I do not boondock in a CAMPGROUND setting so I am not going to hurt anyone's ears.. Been a worthwhile $200 purchase which has served me well for nearly 15 yrs.