Hoppypoppy wrote:
Connecting shore power to gen. If I used a regular charger between the gen and batts, would that help?
Maybe, maybe not.
It depends on what model of onboard charger (often called a converter) that you have and what kind of external charger you get to use for charging.
It would help a lot with making a wild-guess recommendation if you could measure the battery voltage (across the pair) both before and during the charging. The higher the charging voltage is, the faster it will charge.
In my C, the overnight voltage drops to about 11.3 on nights when the furnace runs. It takes about 2 hours of gen time to get it back up to reasonably full the next morning.
I made the mistake of buying an inexpensive BIG charger from Harbor Freight to do exactly that. Unfortunately the onboard charger applied a higher charging voltage than the cheap external one does. So I now have a charger to gather dust in my garage.