Hoppypoppy wrote:
Boon-docking. Charging 2 six volt batteries in series....how long should the generator run to bring up batteries one volt? I typically run it in "ECO" mode out of consideration for others. Thanks for help. I am a techie in NO way, so don't get too technical in responses. :)
Aside from all the other comments offered so far your question really doesn't make any sense as any lead acid 12 volt battery (or two 6 volts in series) shouldn't be drawn down anywhere near 1 volt in the first place as that would represent
~ 75% discharge ... do that enough times and you'll shorten battery service life substantially. Secondly, as capable as the EU2000i may be the best you should expect is an 80% to 90% charge as getting that last 10% to 20% becomes increasingly difficult so the length of time it would take is much greater than that first 30% up from a 50% discharge state. If it helps any, my own EU2000i would take my single G27 12 volt battery up from a 50% SOC to 90% in about 3 hours of run time with the trailer plugged into the genset and the trailer's WFCO 8955 converter doing the charging. No way though would I continue to run it throughout the rest of the day just to get that last 10%.
If noise is your concern then build a quiet box for your EU2000i,
just as I did and just as others have done in creating their own solution. The EU2000i may be "quieter" than an open frame genset but it certainly isn't "quiet". :E