Hoppypoppy wrote:
When we leave the house, both 6 volt batteries are showing in the 6.25 - 6.30 range having charged with shore power.
So at best that would suggest a maimum SOC of just 80% to 90%, not 100%.
Each a/noon I will plug shore power into my 2000, and run it for about 3 hours. We use a Fantastic Fan and a small florescent night lite all night. After bfast, no coffee maker, minimal light usage etc, I check my batts. Typically they are in the 5.15 - 5.60 range.
Which is deader than dead. Generally you'd not want to pull 6 volt batts down to any less than 50% SOC or about 6.05 volts. Good grief, 5.75 volts is just 10% SOC and a place you
never want to go. Those batts are shot ... hard to believe they even work at all. :h