Hoppypoppy wrote:
Just for the sake of closure to any who may give a hoot. One battery was dead. Other good. Thanks again.
I do. ;) Five long pages ago in your original post you indicated these were dual 6 volt batteries, one of which you're now saying is dead while the other is still OK. That's interesting because the battery "experts" here on the forums, whenever the subject ever comes up of dual 12 volt batts in parallel vs dual 6 volt batts in series will
always insist that the chances of one 6 volt going dead while the other doesn't and therefore rendering the pair useless for powering the trailer is so rare an occurence as to be not worth considering. Your report is just one of quite a few I know about in which 6 volt battery owners have reported the same problem ... I suppose the question now for you is whether to replace just the one dead battery with a new one or to replace both so they're both the same age. Personally, I'd rather not be left with one live and one dead 6 volt so when I upgrade this spring from my existing single G27 I plan to do so with a pair of 12 volt G31s that together will offer similar capacity to a pair of 6 volt GC-2s but which can
each power the trailer on their own should I so choose.
Maybe no one else will say it ... but thanks for the update! :B