Forum Discussion

  • 2oldman wrote:
    StirCrazy wrote:
    The major companies are trying to stick to there crazy pricing they started when they were the only players,by trying to make you think they are better, where in most of the cases they are pretty much on par with the low cost entries.
    Have any actual evidence of that?

    well its all outsorced from china. only two real players in the market.. you do the math....

  • StirCrazy wrote:
    The major companies are trying to stick to there crazy pricing they started when they were the only players,by trying to make you think they are better, where in most of the cases they are pretty much on par with the low cost entries.
    Have any actual evidence of that?
  • They have several in the $350 range including the Chins,Will Prowse gave the nod to and a tear down /capacity test..Battleborn uses cylindrical cells not prismatic..
  • StirCrazy wrote:

    The major companies are trying to stick to there crazy pricing they started when they were the only players, ...

    TRUE !

    My gut tells me there are likely going only a couple of companies in China manufacturing the actual individual cells. No markings but they could be the same cells as what Battle Born uses.

    Same is true with the BMS. The only leaves assembly as the difference.
  • nice, but I like how they use different pictures to try say they are better. they show prismatic and say class b or c but say theirs are class A but dont show what format. you can get class a Prismatic also haha. but good to see the prices are still droping.

    The major companies are trying to stick to there crazy pricing they started when they were the only players,by trying to make you think they are better, where in most of the cases they are pretty much on par with the low cost entries.
