Repetitive thankfully is not a do or die expression. It will not hurt the Lifeline one bit to do fast and dirty (voltage strictly limited) charges, for say a week then with near religious fervor do a top-up charge just as Concorde suggests, at 14.4 volts until amperage drops to one half ampere for each 100 ampere hour battery. Then the one half ampere charge rate is reached using 14.4 volts, then the charge rate can be defaulted to temperature corrected float voltage.
At 50% SOC my Lifeline Deep Throats in excess of 100 amps and all without going near the max absorbsion limit of 14.4 volts.
Even a tiny adjustable manual charger can help do the 14.4 volts finish charge rate.
Look! There Goes One Now... the left of the terminal strip is a vertical green LED. See it? Just to the right is a small square plastic block. Facing straight down is a cross screwdriver slot cap. That's the adjustment. You'd only need to do this once. Once a power cord has been attacked... the critter on and set voltage to 14.4
Then connect battery + and - to battery terminals. Turn power supply back on. Voltage will rise to near 14.4 volts with a NEAR FULL Lifeline. Tweak the little pot to get voltage in the 14.4 range.
This is a simple fix for the AGM Finish Amperage Blues, and the fix is excellent. Get the batteries reasonably full then switch this little critter on. Try to remember to switch it off within a few days. :) I'm not joking. A precised timed shutdown is not needed at all. Shut the power supply off and let your new temp regulated converter float the batteries.
This will maintain the Lifeline at the ability to hold and dispense every last ampere of its capacity. If you fail to observe the fully charged before float rule, then you can expect the battery capacity to degrade to 80% or less. It cannot be charger fuller than 80%.
Several forum members have done this with the Megawatt. Because you would be using it during that last 8% or so of battery fill there isn't any danger at all of harming the Megawatt. It can charge your batteries from scratch but its amp capacity is puny.
Batteries need a full charge at 4:00PM? Start the Megawatt set at 14.4 volts (one time setting), go out to dinner, return, forget about the power supply running, wake up the next morning, run out to the batteries find them perfectly charged and one bored power supply.
How much easier can it get?
Concentrate on getting a temperature compensated converter for high amperage and for correct float voltage.
I have six? Seven? Megawatts sitting around. They keep batteries healthy and my wallet where it belongs.