Everything stowed! We have 2 small shih tzu's, and my wife insisted they sit with her on the couch while traveling. I insisted they stay in their crate, situated in the above-cab bed, so that when i stop hard, they are protected.
Guess who won that requirement? And, sure enough, 1st long/big trip, car passed us and then stopped to turn (A-hole -- story for another time!). And the dogs? Un-injured, which is good, but one ended up hitting the doghouse and then my feet, making it VERY UNSAFE. Other dog hit the back of my captain's chair.
And, without a word, the dogs now go in their kennel/crate.
Also, we stored our dish soap bottle in the sink, laid down. That one emergency stop put that bottle on the dash of the cab, spilling a few good tablespoons of dish soap (hey, there are worse things to spill!) all over. Cleaned up fine. Now, NOTHING -- not even on the bed except pillows -- is out.
Safety first.