Forum Discussion

farsidefan1's avatar
Apr 01, 2017

Cleaning black water tank

I've looked at several Youtubes on the subject (gross!). I have not yet purchased a 5th wheel I just got a GMC3500 with Duramax/ Allison transmission so I figure I can pull anything and we are looking around 30 footer.
I saw where one guy said if your pipes have more than 1 45 degree turn it is pretty much impossible to get any real pressure in there to clean out the tank. I'm looking at Jayco and Cougar but can't find any data on that topic online.

Question 1, is he full of ... blackwater?
2 where can I find that data on the afore mentioned 5th wheels.
He did like a cleaning device called the Tornado but again, it does a better but not perfect job.

Thanks from one who is not even a noobie yet. :R
  • wing_zealot wrote:
    Why you worried about how clean it is, it's a holding tank for poop, nothing more.

    Yep, even if you did get it really clean, I'd still not use the sewer outlet for hand washing.

  • Why you worried about how clean it is, it's a holding tank for poop, nothing more.
  • The Geo Method is effective. We also add some fresh water before traveling and dump it when we arrive. Our two Cougars had a flushing system which was useful. We have a clear connection on our stinky slinky for our viewing "pleasure" when dumping. Use plenty of water when using the throne. We use chemicals, some say that is optional. If the black tank fails to raise a stink - then simply enjoy camping and flush any bad thoughts from your mind. :D
  • Use the Geo Method or something similar. It's a holding tank, not a FW tank. ;)
  • Buy a 5er that already has a BT rinse connection.

    What do you mean a 'perfect' job? Nobody needs a sparkling clean poop tank.