Thanks enblethen and BFL13 for the comments.
Before I pass to converter/charger testing I need to know why my coach battery bank is not being used by my house. So went from battery banks positive to BCC and found that I was getting full voltage from the chassis battery at the solenoid but only 3v on the coach battery bank.
This morning I decided to jump the automatic charging aux start relay (a.k.a. solenoid) to see if I can find some changes. Before I jumped it I took readings with my multimeter on each battery bank:
Chas bat 12.21v
Aux bat 12.68v
Using ground around the BCC and positives entering into it and connecting to solenoid I read:
Chas bat: 12.21v
Aux bat: 3v (??)
Then I proceed to disconnect everything and jumped the solenoid and measure again on solenoid sides:
Aux bat 12.18v
Chas bat 12.29v
I turned on 12v lights at the coach and I measured again after 5 minutes:
Chas bat 11.8v
Aux bat 12.68v
So it’s clear that my house is not using the power from the coach battery bank and draining the chassis battery.
So that's why I want to keep converter aside until I get this step solved.