As others have said the Trimark latch is problematic because of the Zinc alloy used for the striker latches. I have replaced these twice in the past so when the latch broke for the 3rd time in 15 years I was not going to buy another one for another $100. What I ended up doing was to install a steel backer plate about .040 thick that spliced the broken pieces of the latch. I used small counter sunk screws to join the pieces together. .040 of steel is much stronger than the zinc alloy. It was a no cost fix and so far is still working well after a year. The other issue I had is the white plastic return piece(moves the latch in and out when you pull on the paddle) broke which I replaced from one of the previous latches. Someone said there is a newer version for twice the cost but don't know if it is better. I think after a number of years the door sags and the latch binds slightly in the opening so frequent adjustments are needed as well as lubricating the latch to prevent the striker or plastic return piece from breaking.