You should have a rather thick gage constant voltage wire to your 7 way connector, if you have one. Good point about the computer monitoring the loads on the lighting circuits, might want to investigate that one.
The "I don't think others would like it" statement is rediculas.
The light bar will ONLY light in reverse. I don't think you will be dropping it in reverse driving down the road.
"I know many, many people don't trust them but if they are so bad, why does 3M sell billions of them every year."
Many many professionals spend a significant amount of time removing those connectors from hatchet jobs. I can't recall know how many of those I have stripped out of the undersides of tow vehicles, fithwheels, travel trailers and class A motorhomes. Perhaps dielectric grease and shrink tubing to weather proof outside wiring. I'm not saying they are junk, just not for me.
I wish i had kept some pictures of the connectors i stripped out.
Keep us posted on your project.