Forum Discussion

isotpe's avatar
Oct 03, 2013

Converter Problem

When we are connected to 110v the fan of the converter in my 5th wheel turns on very often when we use 12v consumers.

After the fan turns off the converter still emmites a humming Sound for a couple of minutes.

This is very anoying. I think the converter has a Problem. it still seams to work but the noices are not accetable.

I think it's a Parrallax 7300 Power Center.

Here my questions:
Is it correct to assume the converter is broken?

Which converter should I buy? Can I buy any converter and put it into the power Center?
Do all converter have just a 110v plug and plus, minus and ground for the 12v line?
  • The Progressive Dynamics PD4600 series converters are a direct replacement for the Magnetek 7300 series. It is a 4 stage converter and is the converter of choice for the Magnetek/Parallax replacement. You could also use the PD9260, It fits in the same space but is a more involved procedure to make the replacement.
  • The humming is hard to describe, it's only on after the fan turns out. It doesn't Sound normal.

    I think about replacing the converter to get rid of that awful Sound.

    Again: can I put in any converter?
  • The humming is most likely the charging section of the converter/charger charging the batteries since you have turned some 12v items such as lights or exhaust-fans. The battery(s) also power controls for furnace, refrigerator, some detectors (not on 9v battery), water-pump, and monitor panel.

    The cooling fan for the converter/charger only comes on when needed to cool the unit. If you have a 3-stage charger, the batteries will be charged when needed, and the charger will go into "float-mode" when they are fully charged.

    It sounds like yours is most likely working normally. Depending on age and shape of your batteries the time to charge can vary (3 to 24 hours). In cool weather and low load the cooling fan is not needed.

    Being used to RV's and converter/chargers, we tune out background noise. Our converter is under our couch and not normally heard until things quiet down at night, or TV is turned off. We might hear the hum or fan if sitting there.

    Only problem was when we owned our Hi-Lo trailer. The converter/charger and the furnace were under the couch/bed. Hard to sleep with the noise right under you when you first get the trailer.