Kennyg wrote:
Did the check on the converter input and output. Result is that there was no dc voltage at output of converter-zero
Went ahead and purchased the power dynamics 9200.
Problem solved.
Thanks to all who provided input and suggestions.
Several unanswered questions so no idea if problem really solved, but if the new converter doesn't solve the problem you can always come back. :) EG, how did you confirm the WCFO was getting 120v input while it was not making any 12v output? If there was 120 in for sure, were the two reverse polarity fuses at the output ok?
There is a 120v glass fuse inside the converter where the input cord's wires connect to the circuit board, but if that blew, it is not easy to swap out --as was mentioned by Mex. ( Some converters do have that fuse as a snap-in, which is easy to replace)