Fixing soldered in 120 volt glass fuses is far easier than you might think.
IN fact there are 3 common ways to do it.
1: Solder in a new fuse. NOTE that it can be soldered in parallel with the blown fuse so you do nto need to turn the board over
2: Two different types of clips. one is "S" shaped and the other is the nore common snap in hooder. but instead of clips on just one side (with a fiberous board connecting them) there are clips on both sides of the board. Clip one side over the blown fuse. shap new fuse into other side. job done. Two minutes tops.
Just so you know.
But if the converter is a WFCO.. I'd upgrade to a Progressive Dynamics 4600 replacement for the "Guts" of that Wfco. or a 9200 stand alone.