By chance do you know how many watts are required to run this converter?
This is unfortunately the wrong question. Your generator is rated in VA, so you need to ask what the VA draw of the converter is. For a non-power factor corrected converter (most of them) you can approximate the VA requirement by multiplying the output amps by the boost voltage, dividing by the efficiency (typically 80%)and dividing by the power factor (typically 0.7). For a 30 amp converter that's 30*14.4/0.8/0.7 = 771 VA. The DLS-30 manual states the maximum draw in VA as 864 (they specify a power factor of 0.65). This is the first time I've seen a converter manufacturer specify the draw in VA. Kudos to Iota for that. Now if we can only get the generator manufacturers say they really mean VA when they say watts we can have easier apples-to-apples power comparisons.