howardwheeler wrote:
I believe there's some confusion. The standard tanks on fifth wheels are 30 lbs not 30 gallons. The Open Range units have 4 20 lbs tanks not 4 20 gallon tanks. A twenty pound tank doesn't even hold five gallons. I think it's somewhere between four and five gallons. I wish I could carry 60 or eighty gallons, but I'm afraid it's pounds not gallons that fifth wheel capacities are measured in.
I stand correct on the gallon vs. pound however the physical tank size didn't change.
Bottom line is just get an extra tank. If you currently have 2-30# tanks get a 3rd or even a 4th. Which will give you 90# or 120# total. I think lp is still more convenient and reliable than dealing with gas cans.
Is your thought to have a built in gasoline tank or do you plan to use portable gasoline tanks and set them up each time you use genset?
I guess the biggest issue is how many hours per day do you need to run your genset. How much gas required vs. how much additional lp required.Once you determine the amount of fuel required it may be obvious as to which fuel source will be best.
Are you trying use it 24 hours a day? 8 hours a day? How many continuous days?