Oooooo the boys are feeling the heat...
"Let's make it reeeeaaaal complicated so it impresses the guy who signs our checks"
That charging formula listed above is wholly, purely, totally, and absurdly asinine. How's that for directness?
Try as I might to simply the process to realistically attain full cell gravity along comes someone who reads idiot originated material then pontificates it as being "recommended".
I told you folks a few years ago these jerks were going to up cell electrolyte density to pull a pea and three walnut shells prestidigitation act on the public. If that 1.300 reading is from a known accurate hydrometer then the absurd has become reality.
Hybrid construction is a compromise. ALL TYPES OF BATTERY CONSTRUCTION ARE COMPROMISES. Clear? Antimony poisoning of lead dioxide negative plates can be controlled with float voltage control. This is not Toroid Fusion Containment level Science. Still clear?
The OPTIMUM metallurgy for a flooded deep cycle battery is 5% antimony positive and lead dioxide negative PURE VIRGIN LEAD PLATES. Electrolyte density temperature adjusted.
The 5% antimony construction demands unique maintenance, just as various other metallurgy demands their particular maintenance.
But the 5% antimony lead dioxide metallurgy yields by far the longest lived, and most durable flooded deep cycle battery. No we are not talking about car batteries. A deep cycle flooded battery must be represented by a CHART depicting depth of discharge versus number of expected cycles.
Run run run...
Try and get such a chart from a hybrid manufacturer. Oooooo they don't have them do they. Does Johnson Out Of Control or US Battery or any others have a life cycle chart for their low antimony batteries. Ooooooo why not?
If total kWh life cycle cost is ignored you become a victim not a smart consumer.
I am going to have to cut and paste to disk that absurd charging formula above. The original US Battery "Contains Miracle Selenium Additive" laugh-a-mania wore thin years ago.
Why not ask the Bozos (capitalized) exactly how they green their batteries. That ought to shut them up. Or ask them the purity content of the recycled Pb they use, citing SPECIFIC percentage of impurities.
There are few things I dislike more than Herb Tarlek driven idiots fearful of pink slips on Friay issuing bafflemwithbullshit hyperbole. You done struck a nerve.