The twenty to thirty dollar boosters and buckers on eBay have proven themselves in my case. Many are loaded 24/7 and have been so for years. Amazingly they do not drift voltage. The boosters do not track. So a booster to amplify 12 volts to say 30, then a bucker to reduce to 24.00 makes perfect sense. The efficiency in the process seems to hover right around 89%. remember, that's 89% of watts produced. For simplicity's sake call it 90%. Let's have the -PAP consume 50 watts. A ten percent vigorish is not worth comparing to an inverter. Even a 100 watt -PAP consumption is far less than inherent inverter loss plus conversion efficiency loss.
But good products are essential. Not time to bid on a bargain basement voltage adjustment device.
Those damned medical grade -PAP devices track to a certain extent and I do not like it. With a double stage voltage adjustment process the span of incoming voltage can range three or four volts while the output stays dead on 28.00
The neat part about building this stuff, is that it can be proofed in front of your very eyes. It's the packaging of home built electrical apparatus that stymies many people and that's a shame.