John&Joey wrote:
RVUSA wrote:
John&Joey wrote:
tbred wrote:
Pretty impressive that the op has gone 14 years without recaulking.
Without a doubt he's on the edge right now. Much longer and the cracks will be deep enough where water will get into them and reach the roof. IMO, a Dicor roof from the factory will go 10-15 years, it won't be very pretty, but it will still be doing it's intended job.
Those that think it's a never ending job and use tape to avoid it simple does not make sense to me.
Tape it once and never re-tape vs. a yearly re-caulk.
Made sense to me. :B
Who taught you that you needed to re-caulk yearly, hopefully not the forum:S Think about it, if the OP's rig needs to be caulked now and it's been 14 years.....
Surely you arent suggesting caulking will last for 14 years for everyone. I've seen it last for years, and also last for months. It has to do with heat and how fast it dries out. The desert will eat your caulk for breakfast.